If you have clicked reset password please check your email (including your junk mail and spam folders). There will be further instructions on how to reset your password.
This link is only valid for (8) hours before it expires.
The email will advise all accounts in our system if you more than one account in the etrainu Learning Management System.
If you have been resent your details please copy and paste these details into the fields when required.
Please ensure that you do not have auto-fill on and that there are no spaces in the fields. You will also need to ensure all fields with a asterix (*) have been completed before clicking save
I didn't get an email/account not found?
There could be two reasons why you cannot log in:
1. The email you provided is not linked to your etrainu account.
2. Your organisation may have an integration (known as a SSO - Single Sign On) with the etrainu LMS. If so, you will need to log into your member's portal and click onto elearning or online training within their portal. Alternatively, you may need to contact your training coordinator at your organisation for assistance.
If you are still having issues please Submit a Request and our customer support team will assist you.
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