This report outlines all purchases made through to your organisation within the etrainu LMS. This report is only accessible by Org Level Administrators.
This report is useful if you want to obtain an invoice, see when and who has used a coupon (promotional code) or to assist with your own account reconciliations.
- Organisation: This defaults to your Organisation.
- Department: Advise the Department to pull data for a specific Department.
- Sub-Organisation: Advise the Sub-Organisation to pull data for a specific Sub-Organisation.
- Course: You can filter the report based on the course purchased.
- Course Purchase Date: You can filter the report based on the date range the course was purchased.
- Purchased for Participant Name: You can filter the report by a Participant Name.
- Coupon: You can filter the report by the Coupon used.
- Submit
This report includes a variety of information as noted below:
- The date of transaction
- The course cost, tax, transaction cost, and whether a coupon was used for each individual transaction.
- Personal details including who purchased the course (therefore, you can identify when an administrator has assigned the course for the participant, as well as when the participant has purchased the course themselves). The username who purchased the course and the group they belong to, and the user type.
- The course allocated and which participant it was allocated to (including their organisation, department, sub-organisation, and the supplier name).
- The actual invoice can also be downloaded direct from this report- this means if needed for your records, or if a participant requests a copy, you can now self-service and download the invoice record direct from this report. Additionally, the report includes details such as the transaction ID, transaction status, and the course assignment status.
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