You are able to add documents from your administrator account for your user's to view.
1. Click on “Docs”.
2. Click on the + icon at the bottom right of the screen.
3. Complete the fields and upload a document and thumbnail and click “Save”.
Name: The title of the Document or resource
Description: Provide a description of the document or resource
Tags: You can advise tags for users to easily search for a document. E.g "Support Workers" when this is entered in the search field all documents with the tag "Support Workers" will appear.
Document/Image: This is where you can upload your required document
Video URL: You can provide a Youtube or Vimeo link in this field
Web Link: You can provide an external weblink in this field
Thumbnail: You can provide a image for the tile for this document
Folders: You create a folder for the document to be under. Note: You must keep the format of the folder name the same e.g Support Worker (must be typed the same when clicking Add Folder for each document you upload).
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